Real World Application
In the real world, the lifestyle is based on a level trust beyond that of a normal relationship. In this kind of lifestyle, trust is everything. One party willingly gives him/herself over to the other party, thereby giving up all his/her rights. The person giving him/herself over becomes the voluntary slave of the other party. Once this has been done, the slave becomes responsible to please the other party, known as the Free Person. In return, the Free Person will see to it that the needs of the slave are met, as well as assuring the slave's well being. Its not an easy role for either the slave or the Free, as both have unique issues to deal with.
Issues for the Free Person
Being the Free Person is not about giving orders. The slave has given him/herself to you freely and completely. From this point, you will be responsible for making all decisions for your slave. You will decide their whole life, from whether the slave works outside the home, to the slaves duties within the home and how the slave may please you. Sounds easy doesn't it? Well its not. As the Free Person, you must ALWAYS look out for the emotional, mental, and physical welfare of the slave. You, as the Free Person, must know everything about your slave's body, mind, and heart. Your slave WILL have emotional needs to fulfill. The slave will want to know that he/she is wanted, needed, and loved by you. The slave needs to know that he/she is pleasing to you. The slave will need you to lead him/her in what you want at all times. Most importantly, though, the slave needs to know that he/she can trust you always. Without this trust, ALL the other needs of yourself and your slave will go unfulfilled.
Issues for the slave
There are so many issues for the slave to keep track of, that its amazing anyone would wish to be slave, yet many do. First, its your role to please the Free. You, as the slave will give 100% trust and obedience to the Free Person who has accepted you as their slave. You must allow the Free to lead and trust that the Free will never allow you to be harmed or displeasing. If you should not be able to please the Free, then you must face their discipline and you WILL be disciplined now and again. All slaves will make mistakes, and you must trust in the Free to correct you and lead you back to the right path of your slavery. You also must work hard to make sure the Free know they can trust you. If the Free think that you, as the slave, can not be trusted, the relationship will not work. You must strive to learn whatever the Free try to teach you and you must be flexible enough to change who and what you are to please the Free. In this lifestyle, there is little room for negotiation. You, as the slave, make a choice to give up all you are to the Free and accept whatever they decide, as if the decisions of the Free were law, and accept the word of the Free without argument. Now sometimes you will disagree with the Free. That is alright, and you must communicate with the Free at all times. However, in this communication, you must remember your place. Remember to be respectful, at all times, trust in the decision of the Free, and do not argue. Once a final decision has been made, by the Free, carry it out and trust the Free will never steer you wrong on purpose.
I wish you all well,
---Onyx Rain